21/02/2025 0 Comments
Visit to Sackville Collge
Visit to Sackville Collge

This visit is planned to celebrate the work of the Victorian scholar and priest, JOHN MASON NEALE
(1818-66). Probably best known as author and translator of dozens of familiar hymns, he is revered as co-founder in 1839 of the Cambridge Camden (later Ecclesiological) Society, which sought to rediscover and apply the symbolism of pre-Reformation Catholic design, decoration, ritual and music to Anglican churches.
We shall visit buildings associated with Neale and which reflect his ideas: the 17 th -century SACKVILLE COLLEGE where Butterfield altered the chapel for Neale as Warden; the parish church of ST SWITHUN, with fine commemorative window and Neale’s grave by G.E. Street; and the former CONVENT OF ST MARGARET, designed by Street on an impressive scale to house the Society of St Margaret, one of the earliest communities of Anglican sisters.
Travel by train from Blackheath (9.21), arriving 10.50. Parking at Sackville College and The Old Convent. Morning coffee at Sackville College. Choice of cafés in High Street for lunch.
Elizabeth Williamson, co-author of the Pevsner Architectural Guide to Sussex: West (2019), will lead the visit. Talk on the Sisterhood’s work by the historian Kathryn Ferry.
If you are interested in joining the visit, please sign the sheet at the back of the church or contact pevsner.westsussex@gmail.com. Suggested donation to the Bishop of Southwark’s Lent Call £25.