Weekly News
For where two or three gather in my name,
there am I with them.
Matthew 18:20
News and Events at All Saints Blackheath are published in both the Pew Sheet and the Weekly Newsletter,
alongside our social media output on both Facebook and X
To view our current Weekly Newsletter, click here
Or Follow us on our Social Media below
Would you like to sponsor a favourite a hymn?
Please speak to Matthew Dunn if there is a hymn you would like to hear in church, perhaps in memory of someone, to commemorate a special event such as a birthday or wedding anniversary, or simply for the joy of it.
Just £10 per performance. All in aid of our parish charity
To make a donation for flowers to decorate the church, perhaps to commemorate an event special to you, please call 0208 852 6957.
Food Bank Donations.
Pasta & curry sauces, tinned tomatoes/meat/fish/vegetables/fruit/rice pudding, tea bags, instant coffee, instant potato, UHT cows’ milk, long-life fruit juice, jam, cereal bars, sugar (1kg bags), ketchup, mayonnaise, noodles, chocolate bars, biscuits, Instant Whip/Angel Delight, custard, nappies (size 5&6), toiletries (deodorant, shampoo and conditioner, and toothpaste) and strong carrier bags. No pasta or baked beans, though, please.
The collection box is at the back of church. Thank you.