Regular worship

Morning Prayer is said according to the Book of Common Prayer (1662) at 8.30 a.m., Monday to Saturday and Evening Prayer at 5.00 p.m. For all services in the current week, visit the calendar on the Home page.
Our regular worship follows the traditional style of the Church of England. Morning and Evening Prayer are said daily according to the 1662 Book of Common Prayer and the Parish Mass on Sundays is a sung communion service with a full robed choir.
Holy Communion
Sundays @ 8am
This is a said mass and this service is suitable for those who wish to encounter God in a more reflective, peaceful environment. You will hear the gospel and readings for the day and you will be able to receive Holy Communion. There will be an opportunity to meet with others in our community.
Parish Mass
Sundays @ 10.30am
Our principal Sunday service takes place at 10.30am. Everyone is very much welcome!
You can find the order of service here:
Order of Service - Sundays
Order of Service - Sundays with Baptism
We have a robed choir, that are at the heart of our worship here at All Saints' they perform a wide repertoire of music. We welcome families with young children at this service and our monthly Children’s Church Mass.

This Mass follows the Church of England Common Worship Liturgy. We follow the liturgical calendar of the Church of England so you will see us celebrating Saints' Days and Festivals according to the times and seasons.
At this Mass you will also see our serving team. Made up of both adults and children they generally serve at our Parish Mass and other special services, if you are interested in joining the team or finding out more about what we do, speak to Caroline Williams or Father Nicholas.
The Church of England welcomes all the baptised who are communicant members of their own churches to make their communion if they wish. Others, and all who are not Christian, are welcome to attend but are asked to refrain from receiving the sacraments.
Pictured: Serving team during Lent 2019
Regular training is offered for those seeking to become Christian and to profess their faith at Baptism. There are prayer and bible study groups as well as children's church.
The Church of England welcomes all the baptised who are communicant members of their own churches to make their communion if they wish. Others, and all who are not Christian, are welcome to attend but are asked to refrain from receiving the sacraments.
Regular training is offered for those seeking to become Christian and to profess their faith at Baptism (adults will be confirmed and make their First Communion at the time of their baptism). There are prayer and bible study groups as well as children's church.
Following the Mass there is a chance to meet others in our church community by staying and enjoying refreshments. There is often fresh produce to buy - we're always raising money for our charity! You will also have the chance to speak with the Vicar or lay ministry team about a pastoral issue or other matters important to you.
Evening Prayer
Sundays @ 6.30pm
This short, said service of Evening Prayer, lasting approximately 35minutes, is a peaceful prayerful way to end your Sunday and prepare yourself for the week ahead. Here we meet God in the Evening Office for a Sunday, this service is prayer focussed, giving us the opportunity to listen and reflect. It follows an ancient practice of offering thanks for the day that is passing and seeking for God's forgiveness before we sleep, bringing together the monastic offices of Vespers and Compline.
Choral Evensong
Every third Sunday @ 3.30pm
This is a chance to hear our magnificent choir in action. Choral Evensong is an hour long peace-inducing service in which the 'song' of voices sounding together in harmony is heard at the even point between the active day and a restful night. This, follows the pattern of Evening Prayer, it allows worshippers to gather and offers time for restful contemplation. The service moves from the Old Testament to the revelation of God in the New Covenant when the Virgin Mary said "Yes" to God's promise.
Childrens' Mass
Monthly on the second Sunday @ 9am
This service is created around our young people aged 1-11 years old and their parents. This service is a Mass and we tell stories from the Bible, pray together, act, colour and draw. It's a great chance to meet our other church families and hear about our activities for young people. All are very welcome.
Childrens' Church
Throughout term times we offer activities and worship alongside our principal worship. For details please ask the clergy or one of the Sidespeople. We also offer a creche in church.