Baptisms, Weddings & Funerals

We're so pleased you're thinking about getting married at All Saints' and congratulations to those who have already become engaged - exciting times ahead!
A change in the Law (1 October, 2008) allows couples who are not ordinarily resident or habitual worshippers to have the right to ask to be married in churches that are not their own parish churches in very clearly defined circumstances. Before contacting us please make sure that you fulfil the criteria. You will later need to be able to produce documentary or attested evidence of such a claim.
To be eligible you must live within the parish or have an existing link. You can check that this is your parish church at:
If you believe you have a qualifying connection please speak with the Vicar.
The Church of England has produced a helpful website that covers some of the intial parts of planning a church wedding: Planning Your Church Wedding - The Church of England
Baptisms generally take place on the first Sunday of each month, except in Lent and Advent. The Vicar runs regular preparation classes for candidates, their parents and Godparents generally on a Saturday moring.
All enquires for baptism should be made with the Vicar.
These can often be very challenging times and as a church we are here to support you through this.
If you have to plan a funeral of a loved one there two important steps you must take as soon as you are able; register the death and appointing a funeral director.
You can find information about registering a death here: Register a Death
You can find Funeral Directors on most high-streets and there are a number within the locality here in Blackheath.
Once you appoint a funeral director they will help you through the inital steps of organising the funeral of your loved one. Anyone is able to have a Church of England funeral, you do not have to be a regular churchgoer to have a funeral at All Saints.
The Vicar is happy to meet and work alongside those who need assistance organising these significant life events
Memorial Services
Memorial Services are a good way of remembering a loved one after they have died. These services can take place in church and can be crafted carefully to respect the deceased and those they leave behind. If you are asked to organise a Memorial Service the Vicar can meet with you to discuss the service.