The adult SATB choir sings a Mass and motet each Sunday morning. Repertoire is drawn from across the canon from Gregorian chant, through Renaissance polyphony, the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, all the way to new compositions, some of which have received their premiers here.
In addition, the choir sings a monthly Choral Evensong service (usually the third Sunday of the month), as well as services for major feast days and devotional services in Advent and Lent.
The choir is available to sing for baptisms, weddings and funerals. Please contact Matthew Dunn, the Organist and Director of Music for more details.
Matthew is always happy to talk to potential choristers. Please contact him for more details. Rehearsals are on Tuesday evenings from 8pm to 9.30pm.
In September 2019, All Saints' launched it's Junior Choir for boys and girls aged 6 to 16. This was paused due to the pandemic, but we are intending to restart this soon.